Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Designed Not Natural

"Spurred by the environmental movement and controversies over clear-cutting forests, and with support from top management, he launched an innovative visual resource management program, including training, land management and monitoring functions."  ca. 1965

Written about landscape architect Edward H. Stone II, USA National Forest service.
USA National Forest lands had become a mix of Nature, hucksterism, garbage dumps & a quick buck for clear cutting & etc.
Edward Stone became our Capability Brown.
What's YOUR visual resource management program?
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pic from a private totally designed landscape via Architectural Digest.    Sad the wheel keeps needing recreating.  Central Park in NYCity is another example that needed an intervention. 

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational! A landscape designer I admire here in Australia is the late Edna Walling.. I studied garden design because of her!
    lovely gardens!
    Bec x
