Friday, September 2, 2011

Penelope Bianchi: Favorite Things

Wish I hadn't seen this chicken coop, below.  Was already planning a spot for 4 heirloom chickens this fall.  
 How did I miss this garden?  Honoring animals, below, in stone.
 The floating duck house, below.  Keeps babies safer from shoreline predators.
 The best relationship in my life was with my Grandma.  BEST.
A lucky little girl, loving her Grandma.  Penelope's granddaughter, above.    
Penelope Bianchi, known for interior design, is the full package.  She designs gardens too.  Magic is in the loving life she creates for all entering.
This is what I adore about a gardening lifestyle.  It meanders thru the layers of life.  Nature, travel, loved ones, antiques, pets, a new project, being with old friends, meeting new friends, cooking, solitude, & etc.
I adore the sublime inspiration from Penelope's blog.  She reminds me of E.M.Forster when he writes of 'resources'.
Garden & Be Well,         XO Tara
Pics from Penelope's blog.  I'm dangerous now, have a picture of an idea for the chicken coop.  Of course the bid will come back, budget will say 'no', then I'll connive something fabulous & affordable.  


  1. I love this idea/thought: "A Gardening Lifestyle."

    I am meditating on this today.

    Thank You.

  2. Oooo Tara I LOVE that coop!!! Wow that's WONDERFUL...imagine being a chicken living in that sweet place. Bet she has happy chickens :) My best memories are with my Grandma...and my Grandpa too. I'll check out your friends blog...thanks for sharing it with us. I hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL Labor Day Weekend!
    Maura :)

  3. Sounds like the reason we work (and some of us design) - the happy ends to the mean!

  4. I seriously want a chicken coop myself! Tara, you have to check this one out, guaranteed:

  5. Oh Tara!

    Thank you so much! I so appreciate your comments about my blog!

    I am delighted that you are inspired!!

    I'll send you pictures of that coop (within a coop!) My artist friend Radisha built it out of plywood and hardware wire. I think it is affordable,,,,,,only he could have designed it!!!

    you could copy all or parts of it!

  6. Oooooh! A floating duck house?! I need one. My ducks float, though.

  7. Love that look. I did chickens against my Husbands wishes. I bought some wild and crazy looking chickens at the Fair. I built them a summer condo, painted the inside yellow so they would be happy chickens. Been there done that. The rooster attacked me every day.
    I even had him hypnotised.
    Like any man they said I needed him for eggs. I buy eggs now.

    Love ya, have a great weekend Yvonne

  8. Our visit to Penny's home convinced us to buy chickens and to follow our dream to build a farm.
    Our chickens are now part of our family!

    Penny's passion for life is contagious. Her blog is a fantastic glimpse into her life.


  9. I love that chicken coop!! Checked you out Penelope, love your blog too.
    Tara, when you connive that chicken coop..get one for me too!

    Yvonne, you did not need the rooster for eggs.. just fertilization if you wanted more chicks.
    I had my episode with a rooster as well.
