Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are You A Confident Stylist/Decorator?

The meadow growing in the cracks of my stone terrace fills my soul with JOY.
A dear friend, last week, said my meadow needed pruning, "There isn't even a path."
I'm taking the JOY.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
I travel farthest in my garden.  Pic of my mudroom which could use much help.  With me the garden comes first!!!


  1. In the Summertime the inside of my home looks like a Third World Country. Yes, the gardens come first!


  2. In the Summertime the inside of my home looks like a Third World Country. Yes, the gardens come first!


  3. Hmmm am I a confident stylist/decorator?....I think so. At least when it comes to inside the house. In the garden I seem to struggle a bit. I'm afraid I'm struggling a bit since moving to the country as I've never experienced conditions like these. VERY sandy soil and little to no rain for months. Not at all like the conditions for English gardens that I've always created. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this. Maybe my confidence will come back in time. Love your mud room and it looks great to me! Have a wonderful day Tara!
    Maura :)

  4. The "mudroom" looks just fine to me! I tell people all the time (after having received a compliment on my homes' exterior, and garden) Don't look inside!...k
