Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Garden Cat

Laura, below, was born in my garden this spring.

 Her mother, below, is feral.  A tortoise shell I call Torte De Shelle

 Torte De Shelle's lover, Gray Cat, feral too, has a big head, big balls, a lot of John Wayne mixed with Robert Mitchum sprinkled generously with James Dean.
Today, Torte De Shelle is at Life Line Animal Project, AtlantaPets.  It's not a spa treatment.
Spay, rabies, worming, ear mites & etc.......
Wish me luck with lover boy.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pic of Laura taken this month.  No worries about her, she's mine & HOME.  Found homes for all of her litter.
THANK YOU, Life Line Animal Project for the services you provide.  You are saving lives with your low cost spay/neuter.
If you've read this far, I know you are a pet person.  You can't imagine how crowded the lobby was with people bringing in animals this morning.  Extremely emotional in every good detail.


  1. Bless you! Cats have either a great life or a crummy one. I don't know how anyone can resist these wonderful creatures. Love them!
    Let us know how lover boy does.

  2. I second that ... bless you. Though it may seem like a drop in the bucket in the universal pet population problem, Torte's 'spa' treatment will make a huge difference in HER life. You have a big heart, Ms. Tara.

  3. Hi tara,
    you made me laughing with your description of Mr. Gray Cat. What a man! Little Laura is so sweet as a young cat can be. Such a fun to have these cute animals. I love cats, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Tara!
    Aww you are a good momma to your own Laura and her mom and charmingly handsome (by the sounds of it ;) pappa. You're fortunate that you could get close to Torte De Shelle (love that name) so you can get this done....our little black feral cat runs as soon as she hears us so I have only seen her once since the babies were born. Good luck with Laura's pappa! Thanks for stopping by today...I bet there is an Amish community somewhere in your State. I know what you mean about needing the city because of your work but sometimes you just need to bite the bullet and take some time off to enjoy the country. I hope you can do that soon.
    Maura :)

  5. Sending captivating neutering thoughts for Mr Gray Cat. And I'll speak for Torte De Shelle by saying "THANKS - you probably saved my life..or at least extended it".
    Neuter & stay well ;-)

  6. Spa treatment!!! Too funny. I don't think Gray Cat will be so pleased when he has his "toes" done! And, your new little priss is adorable.

  7. Love that! That is such a help to the feral cats!

    I bought the book Billy Goodnick recommended!

    I want "Tara Turf "under my fruit trees in our orchard!!


  8. I need to meet Grey Cat!! Love your description. You are the Purrfect mom.
    Thanks too for mentioning the Life Line Animal project. They do such good work for the furry members of the family.

  9. Garden Cat has a cute name. I lost my Dalmation of 16 years June 8 at 4pm. To sad to think about another pet. Maybe next Summer.

    I am so happy we are connected. yvonne
    be well Tara.

  10. Ah, Bless you for doing this!! Laura is adorable and one lucky little kitty!

    LOVE Torte De Shelle's name, and she has had great luck in planting herself in your garden also! There will be no more unwanted, starving feral kitties from her.

    Gray Cat will be a challenge...good luck with him!
