Thursday, August 25, 2011

Abolish Your Foundation Plantings

What to do when your foundation has plastic coverings at the windows to your basement?  
 With this eyesore, abolish your foundation plantings.  1st, maximize the plastic coverings in function/aesthetics, 2nd, can they be glass?  If they can be glass, determine to find the glass for free.
When I received the question, yesterday morning, I immediately thought of this garden, above.  No foundation plantings but lots of  LUSH.
And this garden has the charming table/chairs.
Proof of the landscape design rule: place a focal point near an eyesore to draw the eye away.
Garden & Be Well,             XO Tara
Took the pics in England, admired it's beauty & economy of maintenance needed AND usage.  Not a garden only to be pretty, a garden to be enjoyed.


  1. I placed metal grates over our four window wells. On top of those I place rebar upon which sits one of each of the four seasons cherubs statues. I planted ivy, which has already begun to grow over the grates.
    Since the window wells are HUGE and lurk in the side gardens I couldn't ignore their ghastliness!

  2. Tara, how did you weather Irene?? Hope you are doing fine.
    I love ivy but it is bad for siding, right?

  3. The view of the front yard should be exciting from the inside looking out. They say that people have just 25 seconds to make a first impression when meeting someone new. The same is true for your visitors coming up the front walk to your home and looking at your front yard landscaping.
