Monday, September 19, 2011

Boxes Of Flowers

 One duty, during my nursery career, was ordering gloxinia, cineraria, freesia, Christmas cactus & etc. throughout the year.
 Cases of each, arriving on 18-wheeler trucks.
Dozens of cardboard boxes holding 6-8 potted plants, in full perfection of bloom.
It was my good fortune to strip the tape off all the boxes & be the 1st to look inside.  Of course it was my job to get them off the 18-wheeler truck, by myself, and into the shop too.
Cellophane sleeves were removed & I set the plants on various display shelves according to the lite they needed.  As the week passed I removed spent blossoms, watered and pulled off yellowing leaves.  And poof, all the plants were sold.
This wasn't a sissy job, I also handled trees, shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, perennials, statuary, potting up 3 gallon roses, hand-watering, sales, accounts payable/receivable, deposits, & etc.  
I wish you could experience those boxes of gloxinia, cineraria, freesia, & etc.  Pure abundance of beauty.
This story is over 25 years old, and I've never seen such decadence in abundance of those flowers again.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics via It's About Time.  


  1. Hello Tara!
    Now that would be a job I'd love...not the 'books' part but the rest of it I'd have loved. Now you have the pleasure of designing lovely gardens...picking out the flowers shrubs etc and getting your hands dirty while you play! Lucky thing you. ;) Hope you're enjoying some nice cool fall weather.
    Maura :)

  2. I can see the beauty.

    But for some reason I am now singing (to my self) "Box of Rain."

  3. I can relate to the joy of opening boxes of new plants. I once worked for a library. I begged the young woman whose job was to open the boxes of books and place them on trolleys for processing to let me open the boxes. There is nothing like opening books fresh from the vendor unless it is opening plants. I anticipate a box from a friend in Texas this week. My mail carrier always thinks it is food because of things like Society Garlic.
