Saturday, September 17, 2011

Regretting The Organ Pipe

Grandma donated a new pipe organ to her church.
 From the old organ she saved 2 of the largest pipes.  For me & my sister.
 A freshman in college, I skipped my senior year of high school, I asked Grandma why she saved the pipes.
She said, "For your garden."
Ha, smart enough to get into college early I saw zero use for an old organ pipe in any garden of mine.
Regret is carried in the form of fantasizing where I would put an organ pipe focal point in my garden.  Better, having conversations with Grandma about where to 'site' the organ pipe.  Of course it's very Amy Tan, The Hundred Secret Senses, Grandma's  been dead almost 3 decades.
The Wall Street Journal had an article recently about old pipe organs being discarded.  No good, I want the EXACT pipe Grandma saved for me
We all get back to our own Rosebud.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics from Wall Street Journal


  1. It may not have meant so much had you kept it...there is more value in the anecdote, I think.

  2. There are remnants of an organ culture still in SE Pennsylvania, brought from Germany by Johann Gottlob Clemm, that share many characteristics with the early organ culture of the region between Thuringia and Dresden, in and near the area where the Bach family lived and worked. This, from 1770 & believed to be the oldest American-made organ in existence, has just been brought back to life:
    And one of the three surviving professional organ pipe painters:

    So you could have some pipes painted to match the garden ...

  3. Oh! I would have maybe used a substitute! What happened to it?

    My favorite quote , maybe ever!

    "If people we love die, then they are lost only to our ordinary senses. If we remember, we can find them anytime with our hundred secret senses."

    Beautiful. I thought immediately of my mother. She is with me all the time. I feel that. And that quote explains how. My Daddie,too!

  4. If your only regret is abandoning a pipe from an organ- your grandmother is extremely proud.

    It will give you something to talk about in the next life.
