Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Peony Mrs. Roosevelt

Few peonies do well in the South.  Martha Tate's, Mrs. Roosevelt, below.
Martha Tate has, Garden Photo Of The Day.  It's new & fabulous.
Martha is a real gardener.  I trust her instincts.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Martha & I have the good fortune to share a friendship with an E.M. Forster type character, Mrs. Moore, from Passage To India fame.  In her 90's Margaret Moseley mentors us both.
Pic by Martha Tate.


  1. I love peonies so came to see yours and wasn't disappointed. But wowser on the header photo. Such a luscious garden retreat.

  2. So wonderful that you wrote about Martha, You forgot to mention she was the brains behind the series A GARDENERS DIARY on HGTV.
