Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fun Flowers For A Busy Life

She sent me an iphone pic of bright metal flowers, "Can I have them?"  

 Tennis, sailing, dogs, family & career, she doesn't have time to water flowers.
 Hardly visible from a few steps away, on purpose, the surprise of dragonfly & bird.  Staked hi for movement in the wind.
 I first saw metal flowers in an urn on top of a home in Italy.  They were bronze and centuries old.
Maybe these will go rust, and left alone.  Doesn't matter, today they are fun.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pics taken last week at a client's home.  No accident she found the flowers, they are her.  Are things in your garden 'you'?


  1. Well aren't these fun! I wouldn't have to wait long before they turned rusty colored because our water would turn them that color in a few waterings. My poor plants are all turning red from our rusty water and I fear I'm going to loose two of my favorite hosta's because of it. Maybe metal flowers would be better for me :( Hope you have a wonderful week Tara! Maura :)

  2. These are FABULOUS!!! I would use them everywhere!! in fact thanks so much for the inspiration!!!
    My heart is beating faster!! SWOON!!!!


  3. How fun is this...maybe with the way mine look right now I should be using these!!
