Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Garden View: Draperies Vs. Curtains

She said curtains are from a catalogue and draperies are custom.  Another interior decorator said, curtains are for a home & draperies for a coffin.

I say every window must have a garden view.
I KNOW landscape design begins inside your home looking into the garden.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
My baywindow, above.  Alas, curtains/draperies closed many days recently against sun/heat.


  1. Ha, I love both of the definitions of curtains and draperies :) I agree about needing a garden view through every window. In my little urban house, I have to settle for a garden view out the back, but at least I have that!

  2. Curtains vs. draperies...nice distinctions, though I'd think curtains for a funeral and draperies for a home!

    Too bad I have blinds and I haven't cleaned this house's windows in a decade...

  3. I know that flapdoodle well. I agree that "drapes" is a verb, but this curtains is correct because one now dead decorator decreed that draperies was filled with presumption is, well too precious. Call it what you like and unfortunately, call them closed in summer sun.

  4. Could not agree more Tara....
    yes please, a garden view!

    Jeanne xx

  5. I only ever close my drapes when it is completely dark and I can no longer see my garden....


  6. A garden view from each window sounds amazing! I currently have two, it just transforms the entire space! Especially with a little fountain in it.
    -Jessica & Holly

  7. Picture for YOU soon to be posted!

  8. The only garden view I don't want is from the street to the bathtub):- There, bringing the garden inside is a GOOD idea!

  9. Curtains vs. draperies...nice distinctions, though I'd think curtains for a funeral and draperies for a home!
    backyard design

  10. Draperies, not curtains...the word draperies simply sounds better...
    And like you...mine are all closed. I'm living like a vampire trying to keep every bit of light/sun/heat OUT...

  11. LOL this was cute! Here in the country I think 'drapes' is WAY too formal a definition so I'll go with curtains. Like yours ...ours are closed with all the hot weather but we also have blinds which help even more. I'm so sick of triple digits! I agree with you...that every window must have a beautiful garden view. Now I just need to figure out how to have a garden and not have it turn rusty colored! Ah well...such is life in the country.
    Maura :)
