Thursday, July 7, 2011

Underestimate A Frontdoor?

A front door is the focal point in the front yard.  The house & views into windows also.  Before ANYONE comes thru your front door their opinion is influenced.  

Door, hardware, windows are original to this early 20th century home.
Paint colors, height of knocker, paneling of door, which side the door opens, wooden grid of sidelights & transom, type of hardware metal, scale of door & windows.  A lot of creativity, work, aesthetics, historical consideration & more is understood in the 'conversation' creating this door.
Is your front door a focal point?
Is your front door so fabulous future owners, in another century, will decide to keep all of your choices?
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic from the same house, with the metal flowers, as previous post.


  1. We had two doors recently replaced. I painted them yesterday. Guess what color.

  2. Sad to say - our front door needs a total makeover! It's on the 'to do' list!
    'hugs from afar'

  3. You can decide......I am sending tomorrow pictures of my front door. I have never seen one I like as well. Of course; I copied it.

    See what you think! And your readers!

  4. of my biggest nightmares is that I have sold my house and the new owners have changed everything....shudder......I plan on dying in it so I won't know!....k

  5. Entrance gates were once an important 'statement' for houses large and small. Often they showed great creativity.

  6. We were on the same wavelength. Hope you've had a great weekend!

  7. Missing your daily posts in my emails. Is all well with you>
