Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sojourns From Italy

At the property line, below, a hedge & faux gate. Look close, it's mirrored. Hints of an English cottage garden, below.
Double axis with a potager, below, viewed from the frontyard.

Potager, below, viewed from the backyard.

Little details, oozing water ball, abound, below.

There are no wrong notes in this Italianate garden.
Surprised to see sojourns from Italy in the same garden as the previous post?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
I knew, 20 minutes into the hour spent in this Italianate garden, it was a book. The owner, after my nonstop questions & pictures, finally relented to my rudeness and asked me into her home. Poppets, you know I had to see her Vanishing Threshold. ODG, garden views from inside her home are a day's worth of shooting.
I would love, love, love to write & shoot the book of this garden.
Beauty & something to learn on each page !!!!!!!


  1. That mirrored doorway is brilliant, what a fantastic idea.

  2. Oh, magnificent! I love mirrors in the garden. And gazing balls or any shapes or just rocks for that matter!

  3. Mirror mirror on the wall....er, gate- gorgeous, I think I might HAVE to make one!!! I love anything in the garden that's reflective and magical at the same time.
