Saturday, September 4, 2010

Double Axis

Looking along a path, below, in one direction. Looking along the same path, below, in its opposite direction.
DOUBLE AXIS. (Same garden as yesterday's post.)
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Double Axis, my landscape design invention (la-ti-da). I noticed the best gardens have beautiful axis, and when you turn around they are beautiful along the opposite axis, DOUBLE AXIS.
So, dear poppets, it's not merely good enough to have a beautiful view. You must have a beautiful view in 2 directions along the same line.
Of course you can throw a roundabout into your Double Axis and create a Double Double Axis. Life is good when these are your musings.


  1. Your "double axis" is even nicer since one is to a sunny view, the other to a shady woodland = assymetrical balance. Still balance.

    Speaking of sunny & shady...better get on my hike!

  2. I love stopping in here Tara...I always learn something new! Wish I had a 'double axis'!!

    Jeanne :)

  3. Now that is a mighty fine garden, double axis and all! A-M xx

  4. hi tara,

    now i get it! coming and going must be pretty. i'll work on that this fall.


  5. Nice blog, but your definition of double axis is incorrect. A double axis is a design in which two separate sightlines cross at a 90 degree angle. Your examples are single axis, not double. In a double axis, one axis is usually dominant, being contructed with more important elements, and the other is subordinate, being simpler in design. Example: a lawn with formal borders crossed at some point by a grass path leading off at the sides. Or a paved element crossed by unpaved or paved with less formal materials.

  6. Saypoint, You are so right !! But that is not my invention. Tara's Double Axis is a beautiful view in both directions along a single line. And I choose to call it Double Axis.

    And I don't care if the view is the underside of a deck or an air-conditioner at one end. It must be made beautiful. Double Axis !!

    XO T

  7. Hmmm...Mden path is a tad over-ruy garn by lime green sweet potatoes. Time to get out the machete again!
