Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Depth in Simplicity

Simplicity. Flat wall softened into 3-D with: light fixture, bell, foliage, arbor. Kinetics of bell, gate, foliage, light, invitation for eye & foot. Repetition of color. Just inside the gate, below.
Piquant surpise, below, look closely, an outdoor shower.

Not far away, below, more depth in simplicity with stones in the wall.

Surprise, a second gate, below.
A curve, using iron instead of brick & wood amplifying depth in simplicity.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in Athens, GA last month. Same Italianate garden as previous posts. Begun in the 70's this garden is still evolving, enjoy walking thru it. A landscape design class could be taught here.
Notice the diminutive light fixtures? Perfection. Leaving intact a design feature of th Edwardians.


  1. love those gates. gorgeous property.


    ps ~ guess what tara? my red house is growing on me!

  2. I think a garden ads such charm to a patio. I wish I had one, but it would block the view of the water.


  3. gorgeous tara, love everything in these photo's

  4. Two words come to mind. Strengh and serenity.
