Monday, June 5, 2017

Shade: Temporary

Temporary, simple, not without charm, functional.
While awaiting a more perfect shade solution, perhaps this will suffice?

patio dreaming:
Pic, above, here.
Moving into our ca. 1900 home 2 years ago this month, we have not chosen how to shade the back deck.  I don't want to lose views of the Milky Way, Beloved wants to follow an existing low roof line.
In the meantime, the sun throbs.  Noon till sunset.
This bit of whimsy, above, looking better as temps head to many 100f days.
Stalemate serving no one.
A pair of large patio umbrellas?
Garden & Be Well,   XOT


  1. As it is, it's a WOW! Can't wait to see what you decide! xoxox, Brenda

  2. I like this! I can't see what is supporting the outside!

    I also like two square market umbrellas touching side by side. That works!
    There are also awnings that come out on arms and go flat back that can look great if they don't have scallops and stuff!

  3. They make half umbrellas that can go in half pots along a wall. Green and shade simultaneously.

  4. I showed this to my husband with a plea to please do something before July gets here. Our small kitchen porch gets the sun almost all day long. A roof is planned but when? Meanwhile we had to rig a little lathe house from one side of the railing to another to shade my pots of herbs. {I know, Tara, they should be in the ground! But you see, I know me. If I had to go out in the garden for herbs I would end up not using them nearly as much as I do when they're a few steps from my kitchen.}

    I hope an amazing solution occurs to you soon but in the meantime a beautiful canopy looks exciting!

  5. We had the same stalemate, my beloved taking longer to come to the same opinion your beloved [and I] takes. So we extended an existing low roofline, and now have a covered deck. We both love it beyond measure now, keep asking what took us so long. What you'd lose in viewing the Milky Way, you'd gain in enjoying sitting out through showers and shade. Good luck!
