Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Goldilocks Method for Your Porch

Goldilocks memos.  Just when I think I've grown beyond new ones arriving.  Pow !  Some old ones, below.
First spring in Georgia, 35 years ago, I remember well cleaning the yellow pollen off the porch.  More than a little effort involved.  The next morning, this Galveston Bay, Texas girl learned yellow pollen is a season, not a day.  Got the memo.
A few years later, moved into my starter home, an arbor, much anticipated, was finally built over the back patio.  This was the era of 10" hanging baskets lush with flowers, $3.88.  Bought more than a few.  Thrilled, hammering nails into the arbor, and hanging all those colorful baskets.  Watering.  Didn't anticipate that inconvenience.  Got the memo.
Had the good fortune. from my 20's, to tour a lot of gardens with pretty porches, and give Garden Club lectures at homes with gorgeous porches.  A quick study, learning to copy beautiful ideas aligning with my amount of time/money.  If the porch was gorgeous because their maid & landscape crew were keeping it clean, fertilized, seasonal flowers replanted, watered, trimmed, blown, cushions washed, that would not transfer to my lifestyle.  Got the memo.

Pic, above, here.
Gorgeous, above, but not for me.  Too much work.  And then the wind blows and the candles fall to the ground shattering, or the neighbor's dog wags his tail into them.  The curtains mildew.  Perfect for another's life, and an example of being fierce with your Goldilocks choices.
Pretty/classic, below, and maybe for me.  Cushions an issue.  I don't want to 'have to have' cushions.  Much easier without cushions, been there/done that.  And, keeping the wicker 'clean'.  Probably easy enough to keep the patio/furniture blown weekly, hosing it down 1x-2x/year.  Goldilocks interested, below.

Would prefer more of this feel in the back of our lake house.:
Pic, above, here.

Not much work for Goldilocks, below.  Maximum function, little caretaking.  Rockers have cushions, but they don't have-to-have-cushions.  Porch, below, a good ending point, or good starting point, depending upon your Goldilocks story.

Beautiful.... this is one of my happy places I go to when I close my eyes only it's in the middle of about 100 acres. :-):
Pic, above, here.
Perhaps that's the best point about using the Goldilocks method, it's a lifehack moving you toward your own fabulous choices, working the best for you.  Not taking other's beautiful patio choices, without consideration for consequences.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
In an earlier version of Goldilocks it's an old woman, not a young girl, and she runs away at the end of the story, only to be caught, and impaled on the steeple of St. Paul's Cathedral for her trespass.
Ironically, working with a client now, her daughter, not a real gardener, but adores cooking, wanting an herb garden.  Mom, said, "I'll give you an herb garden, and have it planted for you."  Daughter said, "No, that's too much work, I want it in pots on the patio."  Daughter choosing the greater maintenance choice, least sustainable, and productive.  Her mom & I, very much considering daughter's age.  Those headstrong, know so much, 20's.  We lived them too!  What did we decide?  Not wanting to discourage a possible new gardener, daughter is getting her herb garden in large pots.  .  It's how we learned, making the wrong choices, while surely knowing they were the right choices.  Gardening is wildly counterintuitive.
Truly, it is all my wrong garden choices making me an 'expert', not the college degree in horticulture.  More than wrong choices, bold & sure while making them.  Late last year, took my tribe to Susanne Hudson's garden, none had seen it or met her before.  Before leaving, we sat on the front porch, and then the garden stories began.  Laughter, unbelievable laughter.  We were sharing the 'smart' things we had done in our gardens leading up to finally having the garden's of our dreams.


  1. Poor Early Goldilocks!

    The last porch makes me homesick for our old house that had exactly that on the porch, white swing and white rocking chairs but also a very old small white gas stove that I kept gardening tools in. I did have baskets of ferns that grew enormous due to hills around that shaded it. Now I'm struggling to find what will work on our porch here that gets no sun until late afternoon when it hits full blast.

    I love reading about your wrong choices as well as your brilliant ones!

  2. Hi loved the maid or landscape crew porch tale! Or the neighbors dog tail wipe-out! a big porch is a big job- like having at least 2 more rooms t tidy...but love it !!

  3. I love this post!

    I would just add.....that the new fabrics for outdoors are remarkable! No need to bring them inside!

    And who wants to recline with feet up on a rocker? I think the middle one is for me! We have, as you know, an outdoor room......the fabric is great....the furniture is comfy...and we practically live out there! Of course, I know it is in California......we don't even need to bring the books in! And we have wind and rain! Big winds!

    In between 2 and 3. #1 is suffocating with pillows! YUCK!

    thank you for your wonderful blog!

  4. I agree with you Tara. Too many things to dust and polish are too much work for outdoors! I try to keep mine to a minimum. The older I get the simpler I like it!

  5. Boy, can I relate. Our house has a screened in porch and I have learned over the years what works and what isn't practical. Used to have a wood floor but got tired of replacing rotten boards so when the porch had to be rebuilt, we put down Trex. Couldn't be happier. I miss my painted floor but I don't miss the maintenance. The other is buying quality outdoor furniture. We bought Lloyd Flander wicker 30 years go and it looks just as good as it did the day we bought it plus, best part, the cushions don't smell mildewy. Now, the glass top table on the patio and the teak lounge chairs without wheels are my latest mistakes. The table always looks dirty and the chair are too heavy to lift so I have to drag them around. One of these days I'm going to pull the arm off!
