Thursday, October 20, 2016

Modern Garden Design

Modern Garden Design, below.
Where are you on the pendulum, liking/disliking, this modern style Garden Design, below?
Garden Design has not changed since well before, oodles of centuries, Christ's era.
In my 20's I abhorred this style of Garden Design, below.  Too smart for that boredom.  A brain full of horticultural knowledge.
Fully living, without awareness, thereby proving yet again in a new era, "Men come to build stately, sooner than to garden finely as if gardening were the greater perfection."  (The works of Alexander Pope, esq., with notes and illustrations, by ...
Alexander Pope, ‎William Roscoe - 1847 - ‎Literary Criticism
Alexander Pope, William Roscoe. becomes on the instant, from a ... For the honour of this art," Lord Bacon says, " a man shall ever see, that when ages grow to civility and elegancy, men come to buildstately, sooner than to garden finely ; as if gardening were the greater perfection." — Warton. The taste in gardening, like all ...)

Heijlo, 1789, Archief Alkmaar, flickr:
Pic, above, here.
Heijlo, 1789, Archief Alkmaar, above.
The simpler a Garden Design, the greater its Wisdom.  
No ragrets the time nor money getting me to this simplicity, above.  Find it amusing, still, memories of strongly disliking Garden Designs, above.  
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Midnight on a too recent Saturday, sitting with a friend in a hospital emergency room, watching, We are the Millers, keeping reality at bay, while tests were being run, iv's inserted, shots given, pain endured.  Laughing yet again at everything, even laughing ahead of favorite scenes about to show.  News, not good, needed an ambulance to carry my friend to another hospital.  Greatly appreciative of that laughter, time in denial of reality.

We're the Millers Featurette - No Ragrets (2013) - Jennifer Aniston ...
Aug 9, 2013 - Uploaded by Movieclips Coming Soon
We're the Millers Featurette - No Ragrets (2013) - Jennifer Aniston Movie HD A veteran pot dealer creates a ...

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