Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fear of Color

My sister, older than me, loves pink.  PINK.  Sadly, she lives in a gated neighborhood.  Not much pink, if any, legal in that controlled universe.
Saving colors on Pinterest I save a lot of pink, wishing it was hers.
There's more, she has little pink inside her house.  Don't know why.
I do know, when time passed, and the day arrived, my starter home finally needed painting, I felt the need to 'conform'.  Painting it a color that made me happy?  Oh no, can't do that.  More time passed, my starter home needed painting again.  Time had finally given strength, to be me.  On went the Monet green paint.  Wow.  Made me so happy.  Who was that person, conforming to the grand void of worrying about what other people think?
Where does 'color' fear come from?

01 Christian Dior Granville home:
Pic, above, here.

When the several billion dollar lottery comes my way, I know exactly where some of the money will go.  A country house, above, and a town house, below, bought for my sister.  With plenty of cash for her to do the interiors, maintain a staff & her new pink lifestyle.

Pic, above, here.

Truly, I'm curious to know my sister, as the woman living with her pink.

Pic, above, here.

Yep, I see us, above, lounging by her country pool, drinking tea, dogs wearing their pink collars, and I finally meet my real sister.  Mom looking on, saying, "You 2 are ridiculous.  What are we doing for lunch?"

My rule of life: #1 "If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done.":
Pic, above, here.

 Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn't lie.:
Pic, above, here.
When it comes to your favorite color, are you afraid to dive in?  Don't be.  Trust it.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T


  1. I love the lavenders, yellows and peach colors which I used in my house 20 years ago and love them to this day.

  2. I live in a plummy colored cottage. :-) I love it, it makes me feel happy.

    I loved your quote 'they laugh at me because I'm different'.

    I hope your dear sister will get some of her favorite color in her life.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

    LOVE PINK..............XX

  4. Loved the pale blush pink my mom painted her living room (after Father died). It felt young & fresh & only required a new blush dress on the long, cushy sofa (with sexy curves of its own) as she chose well in the beginning with the most beautiful crewel-embroidered fabric that dressed the love seat and topped the windows - a floral of pinks, oranges, purples on a linen ground
    .......and another lover of pink, my future daughter-in-law, always carries a pink handbag (why did we ever venture away from calling it a "pocketbook"?)to her high-powered job facing the powerful men on Capitol Hill. I say flaunt your favorite color!

  5. Hey thanks for the comment.
    Voted the other day, glad thats over. Now I just turn of the "Trump Rants".
    Midcoast Maine has has so little rain the last few months a drought.
    At last rain, although we will lose these gorgeous leaves.
    This is the best year I can remember since 2002 for colors.
    Get out and have some fun Tara. Happy Ghost hunting.
