Monday, August 3, 2015

How To & How Not: Creating a Landscape

Another example, below, designing a garden as backdrop to your life.
What does that mean?
Of course the ubiquitous necessities: beautiful, low maintenance, organic.
"I can live without the necessities but I must have the luxuries," Miss Katherine Scott, close friend of my grandma, said in conversation when I was 8 years old.  Doubtless you already know Miss Katherine Scott taught Flannery O'Connor her first college writing class, English 101, General College Composition.
Back to the garden & making it a backdrop to your life.
Aside from being able to go into my garden, (note: any garden I design/install is forever 'my' garden) and shoot a roll of 36, each worthy of a magazine/book cover, impromptu life scenes must have incredible setting/backdrop, a daughter getting married, cats being crazy cute, a friend at lunch, a grandchild's 1st birthday party, a spouse arriving home with the great news of a big award, a teenager having a sweet 16 with her best friends, and etc...  

Designed, less than 5 years ago, path, above, on axis with the porch & opposite axis from drive, then overdosed theme with flagstones, pairs of boxwood, gate, etc.
Photographer knew my intention, above, and it is the 1st bride's photo posted by the event planner.  
This is how I 'check' my work, creating a life of its own.  
Understanding the core value of Miss Katherine Scott in my gardens via these 2 photos, above/below.
In college I was trained/taught to design gardens EXACTLY as, below.  Degreed less than 5 seconds I knew I couldn't design a garden to save my soul, or any soul.  With no money, but pure grit, I began 2+ decades studying historic gardens across Europe.
Landscape of necessity, below.
Garden of luxury, above.

A whole bunch of free downloadable landscape plans! Borders, yards, patios, containers, sunny or shady.

Cannot believe I saw this pic, above, recently, online.  Total incurves, outcurves, drifts, specimens, contrasting shapes, be sure to use odd numbers, contrasting textures.  Everything I went to Europe to unlearn.
Understood Miss Katherine, age 8, five decades later, feeling as though I'm paid to play.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Met with clients last Saturday morning to run through plan/bid for their garden.  Mentioned the garden as backdrop, to the husband, for all that is arriving ahead for their 2 little boys with events/pictures at home, knowing he was unaware of Miss Katherine Scott's motto, and his eyes glazed over a bit, he smiled politely.  No matter, the choice was made for him.  I can design no other way.  He will understand, his epiphany will arrive.  
Top Pic, Brita Photography, bottom pic here.


  1. YOU SO HAVE IT WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish YOU lived closer.................
    Sitting here with my PINK light BULB!!!!!!!!!!

  2. And you make it all looks so simple! And I think it is simple - - - not necessarily 'easy' - - - but simple.

    Simply beautiful, simply elegant, simply practical, etc. . . . .

    You work Magic.

  3. La Contessa is always spot on! Brava!!!!

  4. "I can live without the necessities but I must have the luxuries," Miss Katherine Scott.
    What a wonderful quote's all a matter of view, isn't it? Which are the necessities and which are the luxuries?
