Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Garance Dore Shoots Aerin Lauder's Southhampton Garden

Rare is the USA garden passed amongst generations.
Aerin Lauder's Southampton garden began with her grandmother.
More amazing than Aerin inheriting a lovely garden, she's kept it a lovely garden.  Without sacrificing her 'voice'.  Says much about her ego, confidence, talent.
Photographer Garance Dore, below, recently shot Aerin's garden.

aerin lauder hamptons rose de grasse garance dore photos

Pruned hedge, above, a Flying Buttress.  The event for the table must be delightful, but how the vignette is framed by the photographer, magic.

Combing classic & modern, above.  Metaphor, Lauder's grandmother & Aerin.

aerin lauder hamptons rose de grasse garance dore photos

My mother-in-law was a professional photographer and this foodie shot, above, made me smile and remember how many hundreds of them she took, and, how she used food as a magnet gathering her grown children, their spouses, and grandchildren around her.  Only the best, and in decadent amounts
aerin lauder hamptons rose de grasse garance dore photos

Basket, above.  My basket collection is beyond decadence in quantity, must reduce, and my best antique basket is similar.  Perhaps Aerin inherited this basket from her grandmother.  Hope so, incredible having such a useful touchstone to someone she loved.
Few garden photographers excite me.  Garance Dore, shooting Aerin's garden, feels like a gift, and a Madeleine.
Enjoy the complete Garance Dore Lauder shoot, here.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
If you like good garden photography, enjoy, Clive Nichols.


  1. Older, established gardens have a richness that is delightful.

  2. Really lovely. I once met Estee many many many years ago. The entire family exudes style and elegance. Great post.

  3. Oh my! If I inherited such a lovely garden it would most definitely be easy to leave my ego at the gate!

    I clicked on Clive Nichols' line - - - and gasped out loud when his page appeared. Truly stunning - stunning.


  4. Such a lovely garden...especially enjoyed the photo of the table under the tree. Now I'm off to visit your links...many thanks.
