Thursday, July 16, 2015

Garden: Foot Swing

This is the swing, below, I thought was hanging from our old pecan tree.

The wood seat on our swing, below, rotted long ago.

Wise teachers arrived yesterday, below.

 Their inner narrative was one of use, above/below.

My narrative, wildly wrong.

This is a foot swing.  Never had a 'seat'.  Paying attention to the knot, and height, it never had the intention of being a sitting swing.

This morning, above, Laskett's tail truly is this magnificent.  
We think the pecan tree, above, in the sunbeam, is as old as the house, 115 years.  Maybe older.  
Friends came to lunch yesterday.  Rather, friends brought a feast for lunch.  Homemade, the bounty arrived in baskets, including fresh tea, my 1st watermelon of the season, breads, cheeses, chicken, pimiento cheese, more/more/more, cotton table cloth & linen napkins.  How did they know, even my linen napkins are safely hid in a box amongst stacks of boxes?
Our kitchen not functioning until painting and renovations completed in the pantry.
Their arrival a great deadline to get many things done.  Their first time seeing our farmhouse, its land, and walking the grounds where the orchard will be, the new conservatory, where the gravel drives will curve, property pins, views, and dreams.
And the girls on the swing.  Many clients, thru the years, with children even younger, I've drawn their children's gardens once they graduated college, married, bought their 1st home. 
Seeing these girls on the swing, I'm excited for the right time, and drawing their 1st gardens.  Knowing, when I do, it will feel like 15 minutes ago they were teaching me about my own foot swing.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Top pic, Ben Pentreath.  Bottom pics mine.


  1. Crying. My favorite post EVER! I cannot say anything else!

  2. IT is one of MY FAVORITE POSTS TOO!!!!!!!!
    PENELOPE and ME always SAME WAVE!
    LOVE the LOOK of the GARDEN!

  3. I must, must, must hang a foot swing!

    And that wattle fence - - - oh my - - - I'm swooning!

  4. This is a beautifully written account of your day among thoughtful friends! I can picture it and the fun it must have been, for you and for them. And the meal they brought sounds delicious. The girls will remember this day when you design their gardens for them.

    When we moved to our 1920 farmhouse in 1990, the first thing my husband and young sons did was to hang a foot swing from a tulip poplar growing by our waterfall. It's about 15 ft. above the creek when it swings out to its furtherest reach and has been a popular sport here all these years.

    Your pecan tres is a true treasure.

