Friday, July 17, 2015

Front Porch Furniture Placement

Temps & humidity are at their extremes.
Yesterday, after lunching with a friend in town, I had the good fortune of riding shotgun while my friend had to stop, below, for a few minutes.

Without words, tone poem, this front porch is a full class, How to Design Your Front Porch.

No incorrect note is played here.  Of course the Kimberly Queen ferns were showing off, but even the Christmas cactus was thriving.
I don't know the owners, yet, but you know I will.  Their front porch looks/feels like a fine spring day.
Will get the white they used for home/furniture, and sparkling gray on the floor.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T


  1. I do like that gray floor color, and seeing this porch it gets used, even if at the coolest part of the most nasty hot time of the year. I feel for those who won't have nice outdoor spaces as much as for those who don't like materials that withstand their climate.


    Cannot wait for the paint color of the floor! I think JUST PLAIN WHITE on the furniture! (I have done that for years on wicker!) I don't know about you....and maybe things are different in the EAST; but I really don't like "all weather wicker"! (you will have a firestorm of objections) It is plastic. I don't like it!

    I love the old-fashioned wire wrapped by paper...the original weatherproof "wicker"!

    I think Woodard Weave!!!

  3. HURRY UP!
    I want to see the house BEFORE and AFTER!!!
    SHARE SHARE some of the BEFORE!!!!
    P L E A S E!!

  4. This is beautifully serene! Please share floor paint color when you find out.

    I've begun painting our porch white - - - and have some dilapidated white whicker - - - I guess I'll give it a fresh coat - and paint other porch furniture white, too! Love the fact can change the cushions w/the seasons.

    Now - to go find my own Kimberly Queens!

    Yes, of course you will get to know them!

  5. That gray floor is lovely! It must visibly reduce the temperature many degrees.

  6. Really nice job, Thanks for the great article. It is very useful.
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