Friday, April 3, 2015

How to Tame the Chaos

No worries about down time in the potager, below.  Site tuters early, and the chaos disappears.

In a perfect world, you've had time to gather your own brush and cobble them together.
Teepee shape is the most my time allows.  5 canes, tied with twine at the top.
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
— Jesus of Nazareth, Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6:28
Of course the lily toils, if you know basic botany.  And, has a destiny.  Attracting & feeding pollinators, then, in death, to fertilizer the soil.  The metaphor is still clear, and one of my favorites.  Humbling.
Potager is more complete than a vegetable garden.  Potager is a mix of vegetables, herbs, flowers.  Extra beauty?  Yes, and more.  Those flowers increase vegetable garden yields by 80%.  For the same effort by you.  Lazy, I adore those odds.
6 hours of sun, or more each day, for your potager.  A 10" terra cota pot is plenty for a potager.  Don't read plant tags/books, just stuff the plantings in.  And bamboo teepee.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic, Pinterest.


  1. I've been debating whether to repopulate my raised bed in the front yard, the one that that doesn't host the collection of white roses. I really should. Wish I could throw a blog party that was really a way to get people to come plant with me:).

  2. "stuff the plantings in" ha! welcome to my world! It's 6 am here and I just checked the roses and had to remove a bunch a greedy caterpillars.

    Happy easter x

  3. I like that - "don't read labels", then stuff them in. Inspiring where that's what I have the room to do, and so I will!

    And a Happy Easter to you in ATL, Tara.
