Saturday, April 4, 2015

Garden: Before/After

At jobsite, below, yesterday.

Open meadow, bottom pic, when we began.  Now, Tara Turf with paths, above, leading to 4 garden rooms, Mulberry Garden, Walled Garden, Cabin Meadow, Barn Lane.
Gravel lapping Tara Turf, above, no edging, by design.  Keeping it rustic.
Cutting garden, above, at center of all 4 garden rooms, with its edging of low holly.  Not to copy historic templates, to keep chickens out.  Discovering the historic template, boxed potagers, were not for design, but function.

Creating gardens, to historic templates, feels, "We've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we first begun."

Before, below.  Open meadow.  Only the lane.

Little mowing, no irrigation, no chemicals, maximum pollinator habitat, watershed management, applicable at less than 1/4 acre scaling to a thousand plus.
Garden & Be Well,     XOT
Wish you could have taken in the fragrance, birdsong, honey bee buzz, and wind thru the leaves.  Intoxicating?  You bet.


  1. Thank you for sharing such beautiful images of beautuful gardens. Happy Easter!

  2. Beautiful! Love how natural it looks! x Maria

  3. It's just lovely. I can believe that it would be "intoxicating" to walk through the garden rooms. I hope you'll post more pictures of it.
