Monday, March 16, 2015

Proper Placement: Pots by the Front Door

Perfect, below.  Placement of the pots, their size, and materials.

Custom Home by E.C.Trethewey

Most often pots are placed too close to the front door, hugging too tight.  A major design flaw.
The fix, proper placement, is free.
Proper pots?  Pots at your front door label your interior, and you, within the first 6 seconds.  I must know who you are at your front door.  Worth saving your pennies, for proper pots, and you take them with you if you move.
Choosing pots?  Ask yourself, "Are these pots so wonderful they will be fought over at my estate sale?"
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic via Ect Builders.


  1. agreed...perfect placement...made even better by that fab front door...I'd pop that baby off at the estate sale ;)

  2. If pots say a lot about you, what would cast cement footed pots tell you about my home & my personality? Just curious.

  3. It's a comfortable way to fill a space. and you have to interact with the water and plants to go in or out.

    Too bad I had cheap terra cotta pots in, something nicer, as it's all I've got!

  4. I do love those stately pots. My little farmhouse would need something different though, wouldn't it? But probably two that match? I've never put pots on either side of the door but pull them out near the edge of the porch to have less shade. In fact, I usually have herbs in pots there so I can easily go out and snip away. This year, since we have the three hens that free range, I will certainly have to keep the herbs in the front garden as it's the only part of the yard fenced in. Oh well, they do give 3 lovely brown eggs each day.
