Saturday, March 21, 2015

Kill Flies Organically and Pretty

'The Lord in his wisdom made the Fly; and then forgot to tell us why'... - Ogden Nash
Do you know what this, below, is?
I didn't.  Art form was the instant attraction.  No pun intended.  
The best fly trap ever, below.  More about it, Apartment Therapy
A great chucky nuggy from the Apartment Therapy description.  Flies are attracted inside, up the cone, but don't fly downward, hence, no escape.

DIY Fly trap  'The Lord in his wisdom made the Fly; and then forgot to tell us why'... - Ogden Nash
I want one.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara


  1. I'll bet you could build one that is even prettier.

  2. This is so FUN as I saw this years ago.........I thought it was for BEES.TOOK A PHOTO and wanted my husband to make it!I was on a GARDEN TOUR and this is what I took away with me!!
    The flys have perhaps I'm NOT to late in asking that ITALIAN HUSBAND TO TACKLE this project!
    I have a new post up.........YOU must re-subscribe as we LOST most all FOLLOWERS!!

  3. This is kind of genious! Can try to make it at our garden.

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