Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Keep Chickens Out of the Cutting Garden

Cloudy, cold, one of the coldest days, so far, this year, yesterday, and at a jobsite in the windiest county of the state.
A thousand daffodil bulbs needed sighting, and design ideas for directing guests to the front door instead of their preferred choice, the back door.

In the cutting garden, above/below.  Last year we realized the chickens won, and we had to consider how to keep them out.
Ironically, the solution was not a first thought.
And, the solution made us laugh out loud.
The solution is the evergreen hedging you see, above/below.
Laughter at ourselves, thinking for decades, low evergreen hedging was an 'aesthetic' design choice from Williamsburg, VA,  England, and etc....
Wrongo buckaroos.  And not merely a 'little' wrong either !

For centuries the low evergreen hedging has been used to keep chickens out.  Aka, survival.
Daffodil foliage is coming up, above, however patches of several thousand daffodils in the front garden are not showing a single daffodil spear tip.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
From childhood, this client & I shared something beyond our control.  Something this quote, below, captures perfectly.  Yes, I sent it to her when I found it.
We had to create our own way.  Parenting during formative years forced it.
Stay determined, my friends.
Instead of anger, Providence gave us hearts wanting accomplishment.  And the accomplishment of our friends.  Benevolence.
Knowing to be part of the pack, for our friends.

Being thrown to the wolves, more than once, has been the best thing ever.
With my girlfriends, who have survived, to thrive, being thrown to the wolves, whatever table we sit at, is the cool chicks table. WE like us !

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