Friday, January 9, 2015

Complete Garden Design Includes Lunch Inside?

Hired to design the garden, I was headed here, below, too.
Aside from Garden Design beginning inside your home, every window of your home, looking into the garden, must be art on the wall.
As those layers arrive, the best Garden Design layer appears.  
Lunch Ministry.  

My job, Garden Design, includes creating so many incredible places to have lunch, inside your home, it's hard to choose.
True in the garden too.  But that's obvious, and easy.  My game is bigger than that.
Change your garden, change your life.
With a client this week, we had lunch too.  Cold & wind outside, she chose lunch for us, in the sunbeams.
Work came first, then we sat for lunch, the table already set with care, aka joy.  Deer chili, hot on the stove.  Both chairs had vistas of 3 different garden rooms.

I chose the chair with views of the courtyard, porch, potager.  That was my job.  Those views need more work than the others.
I trust my job, talents, skills, experience, and livelihood, operating beyond left/right brain, in this arena.  What is this arena called?  Don't know.  I label it Lunch & Sparking for the 'work', Lunch Ministry from Providence in what it brings in layers of epiphany.
Once here, this Lunch Ministry layer, I ask my clients to have non-gardening friends, or new friends, to lunch.  And, if they don't belong to a Garden Club, I ask them to join the closest, and host a yearly meeting.
Why?  Expose more people to a garden lifestyle.
More, if their life/time allow, I encourage terra cotta pots with topiaries, or whatever is easy, on a vintage ironstone plate, on the lunch table.  As the friend leaves, pass the plate/plant to them.
Pass along gardening, from lunch ministry.

Big news at this lunch.  Their daughter was engaged new year's eve.  The daughter is an old soul and she/mom have a relationship closest to that of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, & her mom, that I've come across.
Infertility has given me a strange wonderful gift.   I adore hearing/knowing the stories of success with friends/clients children.  I'm on the inner loop for many, getting emails about awards, promotions, etc..  You know, all the stuff considered bragging in the outer world.  But great pride, joy, relief, to their parents.  
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics shot this week at jobsite.


  1. YOU are SO GOOD!I really liked this POST!You are so RIGHT!Do you follow D.A. WOLF A LITTLE BIT of CRAZY BLOG........she is in your state I believe.i think You would enjoy each other!!!TAKE A PEEK!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR........and you have NEVER answered my question......did you???You know what I mean!XOX

  2. Definitely one of my favorites of all your posts. Everything's so spot on. "Change your garden, change your life." Love that. And the advice about cultivating gardening friendships, the views, the nourishment -- yes, yes, yes.
