Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gathering Pears: Safety

Their mom wanted to move, the house was for sale.
Her friends thought otherwise & connived an invitation for me, to come with them, to her luncheon.
Since then, their home is off the market, we have become bosom friends sharing tears, laughter, grace.

Her husband is now one-of-my-husbands.  He's handy.  Their old deck obliterated, enlarged, improved, a game 'chancha' for their home.  All done with his intellect, heart, muscle.

The helmets were his idea, they had to shake the pear trees to get the last of them down.
As the layers of my Garden Design arrive, these 2 sprouts, above, are always, as they should be, the focal point of the garden.
Received these pics a few days ago.  Without words, they tell me I've done my job well.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Last winter's freeze caused pipe damage & flooding inside their home.  The entire downstairs affected.  Lost this husband to his interior work.  Now complete, we've got him back in the garden.  And, when it was time to put furnishings/art back after new floors, walls, painting etc. she did things so differently it was obvious she's entered a new chapter of life.  Simply from how the art has gone back up, the original lunch group 'saw'.
Pics from client.  Thank you for permission.  Won't begin to tell you more about these girls, aside from how smart they are with common sense and lovely deep streaks of creativity, kindness, humor & wide ranging interests.  Manners, athletic.......and.
For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. I'm sure they know that pears go into the refrigerator for 2 weeks, then come out of cold to ripen on a counter. I was so thrilled when I finally learned how to make hard pears into sweet juicy fruit.

  2. Crisis always presents an opportunity for change. Sounds like this family is flooded with hope and good heart. A strong back, courage and laughter never hurts!
