Thursday, August 28, 2014

Garden Design: Hydrangeas in Pots

 Notice, below, the color echo?  Wonder where the axis leads from the paired entry?  Garden design tenants are rife: spikes with rounds, all layers accounted for sky-canopy-walls-floor, contrasting textures, mystery, repetition, copied, color theme, change thru the seasons, low maintenance, maximum pollinator habitat, no chemicals needed, a historical template.
Does your garden tell me who you are?  This one does, as all good gardens must.
Under the Tuscan Sun, Frances Mayes, her sister asked, "Have you seen her house."  Frances knew, she's asking, "Who is she, what is she like?"

Hydrangeas do great in pots.  Choose mopheads, PeeGee, Tardiva, Limelight, etc.
Worried about hydrangea's brown sticks in winter?  Move on from that chapter, it's too shallow for you.  Good Garden Design backdrops normal changes thru the seasons in beauty.
Focal points change by the day.

Tara Turf, above/below.  Garden Design is fierce in this garden.
Fierce?   Simplicity is hard, keeping elements of the poverty cycle is hard, good Garden Design is hard.
 Getting to this iteration of his garden, I know the gardener grew through, and blew through, many life chapters.  Many.
 Self -will ended.  Gardenese is spoken here.  A life language.  More, the language of Providence.

Garden Design's status symbols, above, are now gravel drives, no edging.  Tara Turf.

At the front end of studying the best historic Garden Design across Europe I 'got' that.
If you want this type of Garden Design, I can do that for you.
If you want a Garden Design to meet HOA requirements, and no more, I will not do that, anymore.
If you wish to push your HOA rules to the max, and have to ask for approval, I will be happy to do your Garden Design.
Understand, I've blown thru chapters and books, and continents, to get here with Garden Design.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics taken this month.  Top pic best shows the humidity in the air.  Was with Susanne Hudson, Liz Tedder, and poor Martha Tate (we missed yo) had to zip in/out ahead of us.
Think you can do Hydrangeas in Pots like this?
Takes the full arsenal of Garden Design.
Which is either simple or will take you a life time.
For a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, become my client, local/on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me for your group, local/out-of-state.
Books by Tara Dillard, Amazon
Tara Dillard & Associates Design: farm to city pied-a-terre.
Construction by Award Winning
Shaefer Heard Construction, licensed home-builder, renovation - new construction.  Heard's Landscaping a unit of SHC.  3 decades of service.


  1. I have just the spot next to my pottery studio for a potted hydrangea. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Coveting the hydrangea in terra cotta. This garden doesn't weary the gardener, does it? As if nature herself designs and cares for it. Except:
    The small plants with flowers along the front edge, are they out of place? they seem the only fussy thing about it. Pretty, but fussy.

  3. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

  4. Decided yesterday I need POTS for MORE white HYDRANGEAS!!!We are on the same page!

  5. Oh my gosh, I love this idea. I have those in my yard and they hit the ground, but pots would lift them up. Thanks Tara.

  6. Inspiring me again - to meet HOA CC&Rs (city code), do it well, yes!

    Funny how codes and regs mean well, but often require bad horticultural practices, or ones that are really only for specific situations, but as a blanket. Edging, weed fabric, high water-use trees (because they are sold larger), and so on.
