Friday, January 10, 2014

Element of Ranchburger Vile

Iron panels grace ranchburgers across USA.

Reading the English  Telegraph I see, above.
And I think, Come on USA you can do so much better.  We have the same iron panels to work with yet they are vile.
Adore getting every new ranchburger client.  Too easy to create charm from vile.  Toss in the builder's ranchburger landscaping & I can barely drive without carefully wearing my imaginary Ranchburger Blinders.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Ranchburger?  Me?  I live in a Guppy ca. 1985.  You know, gaping garage + drive facing the street with a teensy front door.  So bad, some neighborhoods were built with deed restrictions against them.  Go team !
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
                                               Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon.


  1. I live in Australia. We have similar housing that we call 'brick n tile'. What would you do to the Ranchburger pictured? Remove the lace? Would your gravel work here or tara turf? Interested. I live in the subtropics. I have to plant for very hot weather and periodic drought. I really enjoy your blog. Best wishes.

  2. TARA DILLARD! Gardener, consultant and poet extraordinaire! How you make me smile. I love this old style of iron fancy work, and these homes have a certain era and memory attached to them for me....

    Thank you so much for coming to visit my post. I love that you know that Winnie the Pooh quote, and that it has "rubbed off" well....

    HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL 2014! Anita

  3. Jacinta, I would do the gravel. But I'm always a low maintenance choice person!

    And this is my idea of a good use of the iron panels. Wish I had been rescuing the tossed panels I've had access to thru the decades....all free of course.

    Here, Atlanta-GA, gardens must be able to flood for months, be parched for months,go from 60 to 6f in a single day.

    And everything must be gorgous, with something coming into bloom every 2 weeks all year and little caretaking.

    I never ask for much.


  4. Ranchburger, huh? Half the nation lives in them, and honestly, I didn't even read the article. Your sarcastic tone gets a little off-putting.

  5. Alas Ann Darcy zero sarcasm. When architecture is so bad it's outlawed in myriad neighborhoods......

    Expectations are planned resentments. I try hard not to do them anymore. And I learned to 'let go' when I had that epiphany.

    Before my garden I would cry dripping fat tears returning from every vacation. Hated my house that much.

    Now, it's hard to leave unless very special. I love my garden/ house so much. And that began from a start of hating my home's architecture to the point of tears.

    As I wrote in the post, I love clients in ranchburgers !!! They are incredibly easy before/after. Turning someone's 'eyesore' into their honey hole as I've done for myself.

    No, much agreed about sarcasm. Don't like to use it. It's root derivation is to rend flesh.

    Aside from making ugly architecture better my garden designs for ranchburgers, and guppys, increases property values.

    Happier people, increases property values + less maintenance.

    That trinity is out of the ball park. Everytime.

    XO T

  6. Must have misunderstood, sorry :( And thank you for sharing some of your background and how you came to love gardening so much :)

    Garden and be well.
