Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Man in the Garden

Decades without one, this new thing of having a man in my garden is......

We agree to disagree.  And when we do agree, much time passes before action.

In the house, he's..........superb.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
pics Hollywood.
If you want a beautiful garden & home filling you with joy, and causes you to tap the brake pedal, as you look in the rear view mirror heading out, become my client, local or on-line.
Award winning speaker, hire me to speak to your group, local or out-of-state.
         Garden books by Tara Dillard, Amazon.


  1. Maybe each of you can have your own, personal garden space.

  2. A man in the garden………how DIVINE is that!
    My man is in charge of the watering system…..thats it!Then I take over from there……….I constantly get in trouble for my abundance growth……you see it blocks his sprayers!I tell him INVENT a NEW SYSTEM as I will not trim back MY BEAUTY!Cascading,overflow……..this is what my garden is all about.

  3. We do have a "his" and "hers" garden. One side is the roses he picked, the other side is the roses I picked.

    He did not want under plantings. I did. They were planted on my side and eventually made their way to "his" side. He sees my point! I am the one doing the weeding after all!

  4. In the garden and in the house I wish you endless happiness!

  5. Perfect blog post!!!

    I can assure you, not only was I in the garden and looking into the house, but I looked at it from the kitchen, or other rooms...double axis. Maybe triple axis with 180 degrees of foothills views?

    Everyone liked me out there, especially grilling dinner, though few cared about joining me out there to eat among the desert plantings and fountain. Always inside in AC or heat...

  6. I still can hear Mrs. Whaley's advice about a man having soft feet.. My 6'5" husband with the 13.5 shoes has killed so much groundcover, I think he's now a felon. To his credit he has moved tons and tons (I exaggerate not) of gravel. The trick is to find their strengths (moving gravel, moving rocks, writing checks) and have them do more of that.

  7. If "he" looks like Steve McQueen he can do anything he wants in my garden!! franki
