Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Front Porch: A Way to Test Design

Good design is pretty, comfortable, affordable, leverages activities and your spirit.

Good design is also 'testable'.

With a camera.  Can you take spur-of-the-moment pics and they are worthy of a magazine, catalogue or book cover?
If you must 'style' your pics so far from how you truly live in the space you're not done designing the space.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics Susanne Hudson's front porch, last month, which is mere feet from a busy road.
Last weekend a client showed me a pic of her baby granddaughter in the garden.  It could have been used in a magazine for toddlers. A quick snap without thought of the background beauty.  And that was intentional in the Garden Design.  The client 'got it' after the pic.  Granddaughter, grandma & designer....trinity of happy!


  1. I have so enjoyed all the photos of Susanne Hudson's garden and porch and conservatory! Love all of many good ideas.

  2. It looks so beautiful & peaceful...I would rather be there then here at my desk doing EOY reports. Love your thoughts and tips on gardens, thank you for sharing.

  3. You're making me long for a larger front porch.

  4. Very much me in a sit a spell way!
