Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2 Questions for Patios, Decks, Porches

Graduating with another degree, horticulture, I was fully aware creating the gardens of my soul had yet to be discovered.  

Luckily Penny McHenry came into my life.  She invited me to lunch the first evening we met.  A lecture meeting with packed audience we were in the 3rd row.  I plopped next to her & knew she wasn't amused.  We began talking, garnered a stern glance from the speaker then talked so long the security guard asked us to leave, the building was closing.
In her garden, the next day, one of the biggest theatrical curtains of Garden Design opened when I saw her back deck.  From the first glance I knew.
When looking at a patio there are 2 questions.  Is this space so wonderful I must see inside the house?  Is this space so wonderful I must see the garden?
Ironic.  Patios, porches, decks, & their styling, were not mentioned during my degree program.  Nor any symposium I had ever attended.
Penny did it from innate talent.
Innately I knew, copy good ideas.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic Susanne Hudson's front porch last month.


  1. Hi Tara...most definetly two important questions to ask yourself. Just had to say that I ordered Plant Dreaming Deep by May Sarton at your suggestions and am absolutely loving it. Thank you so much for the recco!

    jeanne xx

  2. Is it okay to have a porch that's so wonderful you don't want to leave it?

  3. Yes! The beckoning to move through a space...or is it moving a person?

  4. "...I was fully aware creating the gardens of my soul had yet to be discovered." It's statements like these that make your blog a must-read for me. Creating from the soul. Wonderful.

  5. "...I was fully aware creating the gardens of my soul had yet to be discovered." It's statements like these that make your blog a must-read for me. Creating from the soul. Wonderful.

  6. Okay, have to ask....what was the speaking of? ( I ended the question wit a preposition but it sound pretentious not to....oops I did it again!

  7. Thank you for the great post. Been meaning to update the porch. You inspired follow through.

  8. I MUST HAVE BEEN TAUGHT by my talented and loving mother! "See what you love; and COPY it!!

    "adapt it......but, copy the feeling"!

    I never went to school for decorating.....I took one class in New York City.....one day. This professor......said things that made my hair stand on end!

    Tara....continue to spread the word! You are the voice of reason!

    Have you been to "Lotusland" In Montecito? Casa del Herrerro??

    Google them! Please......and if you would like to come; I will see about "speaking engagements"!!

    You would love these places!

    Also.......have you been to "Beauport"?
    that is in Massachusetts! (that is the interior design) I bought ten tickets in one day.....so I could see it all!

    (I have done that now 4 times.....about to do it the 5th time! (the docents hurry you through!!)

    I figured it out!

