Saturday, March 9, 2013

You Must Create Complexity Into Simplicity

Only the tree was here when we began. No gravel road, walled garden, bushes, gate.

How do you create complexity into simplicity?  Expose yourself to the best gardens, burn their DNA into your brain cells.

Christopher Lloyd's Great Dixter, below, inspired the topiaries in Tara Turf, above.

 Soon we can choose shapes.  Each yew will be allowed to speak.
My reservoir is deep, understanding Themistocles, "I cannot fiddle, but I can make a great state from a little city."
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Have had the good fortune of meeting Christopher Lloyd in USA, we had lunch and toured several gardens. Met him again in his garden, Great Dixter.  Have no books by Lloyd?  You are not a serious gardener, yet.
Same garden as previous several posts.


  1. I actually have none of his books - my bad. But I have over a wall case worth of books, and still not done with several...maybe after I move?

  2. The chickens in the first photo that really add the finishing touch. Will you let the grass (Tara Turf) grow long around the yews?

  3. i have met mr llyod, had him in my car actually. taking him to a landscape designers group event. he was very cross about something that began to rattle inside the car. nervous i got him and fergus to the event, sat him down as people swarmed around him. having previously heard he loves hard liquor i asked if i could get him a cocktail. M I S T A K E!
    mr lloyd loudly proceeded to ask me to repeat what i said, did what was asked of me while wondering what i did wrong. he then said "COCK WHAT!!! 'WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME YOUNG LADY!!??? it all went down hill from there
    my moment with the great man.......sigh
