Friday, March 8, 2013

Front Porch Views

Common once-upon-a-time the cabin.

Built on acreage outside Athens, GA this 1 room cabin was 'home' for many years as monies were saved to build the main house.

Keeping some views pristine from the cabin's front porch honors its past.

 View, above, sitting in the rocking chair, below.  Daffodils were planted last year to look 'as if' they had always been there.  Georgia red clay, above, isn't a problem it's Providence.

Keeping the original pilings, above, was paramount.

Not far away is the home, already a century old, the family in the cabin dreamed, worked & saved to build.
This story was common, once-upon-a-time in USA.  Hard work, saving, doing without, no security net, fortitude.  Plan B when Plan A fizzled?  Hard work, saving, doing without, no security net, fortitude.
And the man who built the cabin?  I would be proud to walk 'his' grounds and show him my work as he told me stories of its past.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last week, same jobsite as previous several posts.  This project is using everything I've learned in 3 decades, and teaching new lessons.  Adoring the drama of directing the eye, foot, tire, spirit.


  1. I love that place and the story that goes with it! Such beautiful are blessed

  2. I know that man is approving what you're doing. So rare to see such respect for the past and such a loving preservation of property.

  3. Do you do a lot of landscaping? Because that looks really good. I looked around here in Ottawa, and I think you could do great things up here. Some of these houses just look really run down, but there are some really good looking ones too.
