Friday, March 29, 2013

The Divide Between Interior & Garden Design

You're looking at the divide between interior design & garden design, below.

Hydrangea, above, beginning to leaf.

From her first week cracked out, above, she's loved to be held & have the bottoms of her feet rubbed.

Don't let her divert you, though she is a beautiful girl.  Can you tell me what the 'great divide' is between interior & landscape design?

Laura, above, feeling a bit left out, no pun intended, when I was shooting pics in the garden yesterday.
Don't let Laura divert you either.  What is this gulf between interior & garden design?
Top pic, exposes the gulf beautifully.  Makes me proud.  Pleased with the many layers of complexity put into its simplicity.
This 'difference' is critical.  Especially for interior decorators to know.  Yet, many garden designers do not know it either.
Gardens must be designed for winter.  
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
A garden designed for winter will be beautiful all year.  Gardens designed for spring will be gorgeous in spring.  You are in luck, The Garden In Winter, by Rosemary Verey is affordable again.  They must have had a reissue.
Will totally skip: the finial, gate, color, gravel, axis, slope contained with stone, contrasting textures, form, flow, repetition, eyes to the sky, focal point, subsidiary focal point, fake geometry, and how many neighbors houses you would see without this bit of garden.  Designing for winter, yes, that's what you must know first.
How to test your garden in winter.  Are pics of it worthy of a magazine cover?  Book cover?


  1. I have a cat named Laura, too. She is an outside cat. When I walk in the gardens she loves to walk with me. Albeit, she like directly in front of your footsteps....yes, I have tripped more than once.

  2. When I'm in my backyard, I want to forget I have neighbors. It's easier in winter, but I'm working on a year 'round sanctuary back there. Enjoyed your inspiring photos.
