Thursday, January 10, 2013

Conservatory Dreamtime

You must have a Conservatory in your garden.  Direct connection to an experience of Australia's Dreamtime.  

Too many busy days had passed without being in my Conservatory.  I feel its loss in my spirit.  Yesterday's 14 minute lunch had-to-be in the Conservatory.  Short & out of proportion to what is gained.  Spiritual well is filled.  No words to describe this direct line to Dreamtime.  

Moments in the Conservatory are atonement.  And abiding.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. I was scrolling too fast down the screen, and I accidentally read "Chicken Vegetarian Soup" on that can.

    I totally understand! Yesterday afternoon I stole a few valued minutes to putz around in the greenhouse. Sunshine, and warmth, and green, growing things feed the soul.

  2. Your daily posts are always so uplifting, thank you.

  3. Looks wonderful, Tara! Love the blue and white!

  4. No conservatory in my garden, just the pottery studio. It too is good for my soul.

  5. Recently I visited my brother and his wife in Massachusetts. They had recently finished a wonderful renovation on their home. Missing was the tiny, one-car garage that barely had room for a car. Where had it gone? After an invigorating walk thru the snow covered hay fields we entered a hemlock forest intersected with creeks and a pesky beaver dam or two. Tucked into a small grove of evergreens and beech was the reincarnated garage. They had transformed it into a small cabin complete with wood stove, gas lamps, game table, a bed and a couch. Everything one would need to escape, yes even the kitchen sink! In this case it's my moms old farmhouse sink. Up here in the northern climes a conservatory sounds impractical but I realized that although it has a different name this building is the escape for my brother just as you have your own getaway. We all find our spots of peace and inspiration.
