Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Creatures Great & Small

All Creatures Great & Small, by James Herriot.

Original episodes.

Sets, lifestyle, characters, pets, livestock, gardens, cricket, clothes, food, cars, scenery, romance, architecture, a way of life, change of seasons, humor, drama, it's all here.

If you don't know who they are, above, buy the dvd's.

Meet Tricky Woo, and you'll want to order the books too.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
If you want a garden that is a moat of grace around your home & life, contact me.
Details about online design services.
Learn action steps to creating your best garden & home when you hire me to speak to your group.
Details about lecture titles here.
I've written several garden books available on Amazon.


  1. This was a great book, I didn't know they made it into a movie. Thanks

  2. Tara,
    A favorite! When the James Herriot died I found the address of the family in the Atlanta Constitution and sent a sympathy card... I wasn't the only one. The books and DVD's are wonderful.
    Great for cold winter days.
    Have a brilliant day,

  3. I read and reread all of James Herriot's books. They were so vivid and wonderful. Wanted to move there and be his assistant. I completely forgot that there was a television series! As soon as we finish Doc Martin, Season 5, you bet I will be ordering this series to watch next.

  4. I was forced to watch on PBS as a child, back when there was one tv in the home and it only rec'd 12 channels. Years later, working in England I purchased ACGSmall to read as I was a bit homesick. Ironically the same book is next to me (25 years later) as I attempt to house train our new puppy. Loved the description of the ivy covered brik house with brass nameplate and black ironwork. A classic I read over & over. My dad was a New England farmer but he would have fit right in up there in the Dales of Yorkshire.

  5. You continue to completely astonish me!

    I read every single book James Herriot ever wrote! (not in college as an English Lit major!!) (I had to read something like 3 novels a week! Yikes!) at USC! (University of Southern California)

    I devoured James Herriots's books way after college!

    I am thrilled that there is film

    I will try to find it!

    He was a magical and gifted writer. I was "there"; when he was "delivering" an animal.......(as in birth!!!)

    He was an inspiration to me to have "French chickens (with roosters!" in Pasadena; 22 years ago!

    And when we moved to Montecito 16 years ago; we have them again!

    I am going to watch the tv show that I never knew existed! I hope!!


  6. You have no idea!

    ordered it on "one-click"!

    So grateful to you for saying there was a tv series! I stopped watching before you were born~!!!!!!



  7. How funny is that? I love the comments beyond description!

    I just left one!

    Thank you for telling us all that "All Creatures Great and Small was a tv series!!"

    What years? I was either in college; or raising a baby (they do grow up!)

    How could I have missed it?

    Years,; please?!?

    Adore your blog......beyond!!!
