Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lamp in the Landscape

Women who have these lamps, I thought as a child, are wacko.  Ticky-tacky gold leaf, gaudy.
Was there an exact date I grew up to be 'wacko'?
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Even in the afternoon I can see the sparkly light bulbs from the house, and they make me happy.  More stupid, about this lamp was its price.  Found at my favorite Antique shop I waited several visits for its mark down.  Not.  I made an offer & you see my trophy!


  1. Maybe you should just call that lamp "fun."

  2. Tara,
    Love the lamp! Painted my gutters Best Bronze today.... lookin' good!
    What a wonderful change. No more big white snakes.
    Looked up genius in the dictionary and saw your picture!!
    Molto bella...

  3. ADORE THAT LAMP!!!!!! Wish it had a partner!!! I love symmetry, especially in VERY GOOD things!!!

  4. Love that lamp. A pretty lamp seen from the window makes me incredibly happy too. You needed it.
