Thursday, September 13, 2012

Immigrant Labor

For my Landscape Designs to become fabulous gardens there are many to be named a prophet-without-honor.
 This week we lost one at a wholesale tree nursery.  He was bush hogging with a tractor.  It turned over & the mower hit him.  Hours passed before this hardworking man was found.  A wife & children are left behind.
Most of the men making my career possible are immigrants.  Their laboring, striving, leaving home/country, attitude, humble me.
Garden & Be Well,              XO Tara
Went to a lecture luncheon last month at DK Gallery, Gina Hurry is the artist, above.


  1. Of course, this post's title got me, since I'm the child of immigrants who were able to strive out of being poorer and "foreign". Definitely a huge balance here, and one I live in and depend on, as well...but now that has become yet another politicized by the elite, to polarize and turn one against the other (and control us more), it is a shame.

    I appreciate your caring on this - most I know on either side are not so!

  2. I'm so sorry for this tragedy. My prayers go out to his family, even though I do not know them.

    I'm always saddened by people who begrudge immigrants a place in this country and in our workforce. Many, many times they are grateful to do work that our "citizens" don't want to do. These same "citizens" forget that, unless they are native Americans, their families have not been here that awful long either.

    Beautiful art in this post!

  3. Oh, how very tragic! My heart goes out to this man's family and those who knew him. Our immigrant population has become the true backbone of this country; doing many of the jobs that others might consider beneath them. Many who come to this country bring extraordinary skills and hard work ethic with them, and we need that so badly.

    Again, Tara, I am so very sorry.

  4. Thanks for honoring this man and all the hard working immigrants in our country.

  5. I have two immigrants whom I treasure and love. 2 years here; the best at what they do. Better than anyone I know.....two children who are citizens; stellar students.

    There has to be a way!

    Thank you for this lovely post!

    We can help!


    ps owls are hooting! So wonderful!

  6. Sorry for this terrible loss. I agree with what everyone else has said. America needs its collective DNA recharged with what made us a great nation: hard work, a belief in a better world, education, not a hand out but a hand up.

    I hope you plant something is honor of this man's spirit.

  7. I agree wholeheartedly. Though I missed this post, my prayers are with his family.
    Are they taking donations, Tara? I would like to help.


