Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Arne Maynard

Arne Maynard gardens simply.

 He listens to the soul of a site.

 He beckons in the language of formality or raw Providence.

 Lush simplicity.  There is no age only the ages.

 A fierce love of landscape is unafraid to look 'not done'. 

 A man willing to copy from the past.

Clothing a home, below.

A drive could have been put in, below.  Without, it's timeless.  Restraint.  Voluptuous.

Arne Maynard.  A light touch with a sure mission.
Garden & Be Well,                XO Tara
Pics via Arne Maynard


  1. Tara--I am not sure which I enjoyed more, your poetic verbiage or the gorgeous images! Beautiful post!

  2. The 1st and 2nd to last photos are so evocative, if only those who hire those who needlessly shape shrubs and top trees could see when and when not to do so.

    A light touch...ahhh.

  3. drop dead gorgeous........the dog shows the triumph of that entire landscape!


    the best!

  4. I just want to jump into every photo, to be able to experience 'being there'.

  5. I wish that I could visit one or two places that you have photographed. It would be so peaceful. I just love what some people do with their landscaping. Thank you so much for this excellent post!

  6. Evocative. What a wonderful description of what your talented eye finds. Thank you for sharing.
