Thursday, September 6, 2012

A View of Central Park

Atop the Metropolitan Museum, below,
 an art installation I visited this summer. 
 With its views of Central Park.  How I wish I could sleep in its various pods.
I imagine its views in different seasons & weather.  And, in my imagination, I have a telescope.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Oddly, these thoughts only arrived once I got home.  Yes, this artist did their work on me !


  1. I always wanted a telescope.

    Been to the top many times.


  2. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for posting them on here. I also love New York and hope to be able to visit again soon. The landscaping there is amazing. I'm wanting to go on a trip sometime soon and I'm trying to think of another beautiful landscaped area. Any suggestions?
