Saturday, May 19, 2012

Working With Contractors

Bamboo poles aren't quite perfect in a client's garden, found this, below, as a future template
 2 clients have wonky doors they access and are too visible near the front door.  Found, below, the tiny shed roof over the door at the bottom right of the pic.  Perfect for the wonky doors.
It's not enough to ask my men to create something, I find pics too.   
Magic Man always looks at a pic and says, "OK, ...........", and proceeds to make the photo idea BETTER.
How smart, starting with, "OK!"
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
David Stevens, my longtime contractor had the audacity to die, age 50, still irks.  Went thru 4 contractor stories of hell afterward.  #4 toyed with me mentally.  He would always begin, "Ugh, no......"  How stupid was I?  To put up with that.  Then discovered he lied to his partner, and me, about 'business' things. 
Now, I'm Goldilocks, each contractor in my team more than just-right.  A joy.  We leverage each others talent.  Honesty, integrity, character, humor, daily with my team. 
Pics unknown.  I really did save them for clients, not thinking I would post them.


  1. So sad about your former contractor's much too soon death. Death is always like fire. It removes and it changes everything. But I have had to learn that like fire, it can bring renewal. Glad you have found a team that has synergy. It is a form of grace.

  2. So much to making sure something works out to the design intent...this is crucial, once client and design are in step. Time, time...communication, communication!

    I hope to be in your place in that someday, tho may have to start my own contracting / maint business...

  3. Working with good people is a joy! So glad you found the right team.
    Went through this years ago....some have a hard time being directed by a woman too. So much to deal with while creating!!

  4. Tara darlin'! Oh, you have a GOOD EYE for what works and what doesn't...I can tell! THANK YOU for hopping on over to my place for a little cruise over ENGLAND. Is that NOT a fab picture of those two old trunks flanking that old door? I know that is in England, in an old abbey. Gorgeous, huh?

    HAVE A FUN DAY in the garden! Anita

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about David.

    But I do agree that finding a man that always starts with "OK" is truly starting in the right direction for any kind of relationship. Period.
