Monday, May 21, 2012

Portico Influences Shapes

When the portico was built, below, I knew exactly how to design its landing.  A bit tricky because it is also
 part of the parking court, below.  Blue stone leads to the front door, below, shaped like the portico where it touches the exposed aggregate drive.  The space called for formality.  Hence the beds touching the house are edged in raised granite cobblestones.
 Not far away, below, the property line, alas, at the crest of a slope & near a neighbor.
What neighbor?  What property line?  I put in a 4-board fence with hogwire exactly like the rest of the 400 acres with horses.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics taken at a jobsite last week.  WTF, 400 acres & horses?  Hardly, this is infill new construction on less than an acre.  A dream home.  They've lived nearby for many years & the land recently became available.  Doesn't matter, the historic architecture demanded the 4-board fencing.  (Balance with the brick, stone, exposed aggregate drive, and iron railings, being made now, for the portico.  And narrative.  You do realize every fabulous landscape has a narrative?  Another thing they do not teach in college.)  Will stain the 4-board fencing the same black as the house shutters, and jasmine 'Madison' will grow on it.
Cannot wait for the drive to get its first cleaning, iron for the portico, & .......
What a fun job.  My clients buy me new gardens.  And I love having this one.  Oh my, I love having them all.


  1. Tara
    What a lovely fence. I love the posts. And...what is hogwire? I wonder if it is what we call sheep fencing out here?


  2. So interesting to read and consider all that goes into creating harmony. I don't always recognize the elements when they are there...but I can certainly tell when they are not! Thanks for sharing this adventure!

  3. Thanks for sharing the thought processes you go through. It hopefully helps me make better design choices.

    You do know you go to bed w/my hubby and me most every night? Yes - it's Tara Trinity! We fall asleep with of your books most nights - dreaming of the next project!

    Thanks for sharing via your books and blog!

  4. Just hijacked your 4 board fence pic and tucked it away in my inspiration files.....great post...k

  5. And we love you and your vision and spirit!

  6. Tara, you cheer me up saying, "My clients buy me new gardens". Yes...a new underlying motto to put in my daily mindset.

    Oh, and nice way to work with how the architecture is dictating.

  7. Yes, the hogwire is your sheep fencing. Sometimes called stockade fencing.

    I like feeling so butch calling it 'hogwire'.

    XO T

  8. You crack me up Tara. Come on say Hogwire one more time for me girl!

  9. What a fun job you have's never the same thing twice and you get to use your imagination and talent to create a work of art! It's like you're given a brand new sheet of paper and get to open a new box of crayons every time you start a new fun! I can see why you love it so much. Have fun! :)


  10. Useful post, covered with interesting and valuable content,You can have a look at Portico double bed sheets
