Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rules of Vignette

How little can you do & it: is pretty, comfortable, easy to maintain, flows from your interiors, affordable, describes who you are, makes you happy, has a color theme & ages into more fabulous. Does it create its own world?
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pic via Greige Design.  Can you imagine when the vine fills the wall?  This is my idea for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival in Douglasville, GA, June 2-3, 2012.  Several small spaces of equal size & different designers.  Of course the fabulous garden of Susanne Hudson is on tour too.
BTW, whenever I'm accused of living-in-my-own-little-world I smile & graciously say "Thank you."


  1. The wall is beautiful just the way it is but I would welcome the natural vine growth too, just to keep it more alive. The brick here looks very soft even though we know it's hard. That's a great look.

  2. I have the vine already...but desperately want that tea cart table! k

  3. Great inspiration - and I'm totally with you - there's no better place than my own little world - everyone understands me there! Paula x

  4. Great point on the vignette.."how little can I do?"

    In "my own little world", the voice of Puppet Barbuda and/or Tara sometimes drown out the little voices in my head. Kind of cool, inspiring...

  5. Just purchased my tickets for the tour!

  6. love the image,
    and i do love flowers/plants
    in the home.

    there is nothing quite like it.


  7. I think "your own little world" would look beautiful from every angle...and it would have a conservatory with a cat ;)
