Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roman Landscape Architecture

Travelled outside my comfort zone last weekend.  Feeds my Muse to do it at least 'somewhat'. 
 Visited friends, above, had some great BBQ, below.
 Made it to the venue, below.
 Thinking always, "What can I learn here? How can this enrich my knowledge?"
 Talladega is exactly a Landscape Architecture challenge.  Roads, drainage, sewage, paths....
 Wish you could have experienced the cocoon of grace around these men, below.  When I spoke to them their 1st words to me, "Isn't today a blessing?". 
 These are my boys, below.  Deep bosom friends.  Of course they were with me.  Travel alone outside my comfort zone?
Can you imagine what a few Roman legions, perhaps ca. 15 BCE, would do with Talladega?  Viaducts, stone arches, and that ridiculous painted start/finish line?  Air-conditioned sky boxes?  Romans would have outdone the subdued Olmstead of Central Park.  Vulgar decadence.  I've been to Masada, Italy, Caesarea & etc.  Of course I would have to leave ahead of the Romans & Herod The Great.  I know whence their labor came from.
This has indeed fed my Muse. 
Considering the Landscape Architecture of the Romans for Talladega.
Do you do this too?  Create Anne of Green Gables, scope-for-the-imagination to feed the creative well?  Talladega was there for me, me, me. 
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Want to know how the ancient Romans would have used the inner ring of Talladega?  I can hear those lions & Christians now.


  1. The sign about pants pulled up...classic! To think I could get something out of Talladega, etc...pretty interesting thoughts you had. I guess I have those too, from time to time. Nice people like those 2 men you noted sitting down, or your "boys", probably help that.

    BBQ probably helps, too.

    Is that the Tara-mobile in the 1st pic beyond the tree?

  2. Yes. Today is a blessing! Also, I have my pants pulled up. When do we eat?


  3. I have to admit my brain went "TILT!" at the idea of Talladega being anything but torture. You have a wonderful gift for finding interest and seeing beauty wherever you go. That is grace.
    Nice tootsies, btw. What kind of sandals are you wearing? They look comfy, and I'm always on the prowl for comfy.

  4. Never been to Talladega, but I love NASCAR in person! The people are nice and the spectacle of the race itself is difficult to convey to someone who has never been. I eagerly anticipate our twice-yearly trips to the race in Richmond ... and I will be thinking of the lions and Christians each time I go because of you.

    Glad you had a good time.

  5. You've got to have the sandals, they are my work shoes. Adjust to be almost custom.

    Ugly but perfect. Made by Ecco.

    Already have ridiculous tan lines around them.

    XO T
