Saturday, March 17, 2012

Technology In Personal Space

Home is newly wireless.  Do I want personal space used, below, for work?

 Spring arrived quickly/unexpectedly, 5 windowed walls surround the harvest table,  below.
 Mornings in my gown making calls (clients, contractors, vendors), emailing, blogging, birdsong, blooms, beloved Laskett in the chair beside me.
 Hours pass.
Need to leave for jobsites, administrative errands.  Putting away every bit of technology/work.
Technology has changed but not how I take, for 26 years,  joy-grace-energy from being in this spot.
The moat of grace I've surrounded home & life with, the garden, supports me emotionally & creatively.  So far it's working, honoring this new spot, clearing it afterward & using the Conservatory & other areas for work when I return from jobsites.
Scoping new phones.  Make the switch from 3 ring binder, pics above, to connect calendars with my guys.
Wish all this were 'done', want to think about & work in gardens.
Garden & Be Well,             XO Tara   
Not a Luddite but if it weren't for gardening I would be slower updating technology.  Perhaps I'll have time to get pics from all 5 of those walls mentioned above.  Need to hurry, azaleas, camellias, kerria, hellebore, akebia, viburnum, rosemary.....all abloom. 
Notice the gorgeous English antique ironstone soup toureen?  Found at a shop in Augusta, GA when I lectured there several years ago.  Alas, no lid.  The chandelier is ca. 1950's Italian, 1/2 of a pair, bought at an estate sale in Nassau Bay, Texas a couple of years before hurricane Ike.  Oddly, I was shopping with my Dad.  He hated that kind of stuff.  Lots of good memories.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow...busy. Technology fine when set up, and when we make it work when it dies. But gardens and seasons more fine!

    Glad your season is zooming along; our's just starting, but so nice.

    Cool work spot, looks special!
