Friday, March 16, 2012

Formalities & Rusticities

A woodland entry was added to their property, alleviating traffic issues at the family entry.  Formal aspects abound elsewhere.  Keeping RUSTICITIES balances the whole.  Don't know about Formalities & Rusticities?  Read your Jane Austen again, she certainly understood.  Her sanctimonious characters were certainly of the formalities-only-school.
 I used cedars, enlarging a natural drift.  Stone from the site & fallen tree debris, above.
 What you won't see along the lovely Woodland Entry, below,
is what I've hidden.  Modern necessities: satellite, power box & etc. 
Since we've created this entry & completed the Landscape Design, amplifying Rusticities, she told me it's now her favorite way to enter her property.  A new way of seeing her home.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
pics taken last month.  This is a large area and I adore using the potency of Rusticities in a manner learned from my mentor Mary Kistner, who said, "It's what we do with what we have."  And thankful for a client trusting me with a few rocks, tree debris & her own wild cedar trees.  Rumpelstiltskin was conjuring the wrong form of gold.  This is the gold.


  1. Whether we are living in urban or suburban areas their is something inviting and comforting about rustics.

  2. Love, love, love it! What do you suggest for disguising a telephone pole???

  3. If you have an eyesore you can't hide place a focal point nearby to draw the eye.

    xo t

  4. don't know if you recall Alexander Pope's "Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle IV To Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington" (1735)

    " Oft have you hinted to your brother peer,
    A certain truth, which many buy too dear:
    Something there is more needful than expense,
    And something previous ev'n to taste—'tis sense:
    Good sense, which only is the gift of Heav'n,
    And though no science, fairly worth the sev'n:
    A light, which in yourself you must perceive;
    Jones and Le Notre have it not to give.

    To build, to plant, whatever you intend,
    To rear the column, or the arch to bend,
    To swell the terrace, or to sink the grot;
    In all, let Nature never be forgot.
    But treat the goddess like a modest fair,
    Nor overdress, nor leave her wholly bare;
    Let not each beauty ev'rywhere be spied,
    Where half the skill is decently to hide.
    He gains all points, who pleasingly confounds,
    Surprises, varies, and conceals the bounds.

    Consult the genius of the place in all;
    That tells the waters or to rise, or fall;
    Or helps th' ambitious hill the heav'ns to scale,
    Or scoops in circling theatres the vale;
    Calls in the country, catches opening glades,
    Joins willing woods, and varies shades from shades,
    Now breaks, or now directs, th' intending lines;
    Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs.

    Still follow sense, of ev'ry art the soul,
    Parts answ'ring parts shall slide into a whole,
    Spontaneous beauties all around advance,
    Start ev'n from difficulty, strike from chance;
    Nature shall join you; time shall make it grow
    A work to wonder at—perhaps a Stowe."

    In 1714 Burlington began his Grand Tour of Italy. This tour, in conjunction with his study of Palladio's Four Books, influenced his decision to revive what he considered the true architecture of Vitruvius as interpreted by Andrea Palladio. For a brief bio of Burlington(1694-1753)see:,_3rd_Earl_of_Burlington

    Photos of the garden at Chiswick designed for Burlington by William Kent:
    Links to other gardens associated with him:,com_parksandgardens/task,person/id,181/Itemid,292/
    And on his protege William Kent, 1685-1748, who int he words of Horace Walpole, ‘leaped the fence, and saw that all nature was a garden’.
    and with Bridgeman was the inventor of the 'English Garden"

    Woha -- that is a lot. Hope I am not overburdening, but these 'old masters' were espousing very much your own insights and principles that you are trying so hard to get across a few hundred years later.

  5. Great concept in one place. Though I never have read Jane Austen, I have watched Clint Eastwood, and the concept of "Formalities & Rusticities" plays out in that, too!
