Friday, October 7, 2011

Sir Roy Strong & Mirabel Osler

Sir Roy Strong & Mirabel Osler will be in conversation
October 19, 2011, Castle House Hotel.
Both Strong & Osler are authors of  "life, gardens and travel."
Please, go, if you can & put it all on YouTube for me/me/me.
Look closely at the path, above.   Melts my heart.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pic & more information via Hereford Times.  A garden nerd I have Sir Roy Strong on google alerts.  Monty Don too.


  1. I always have some of Roy Strong's books close to hand, as much for their undercurrent of whimsy and fantasy beneath the intellectual splendor of scholarly rigor. This by Daphne Guinness on creating small domestic woodlands did something to my heart when I read it yesterday -- I assume it will do the same to yours -- much is easily transferable to regions of the US.

  2. Have a good weekend, it is getting cold in Maine real soon.. yvonne

  3. Oh Tara!

    I am going to put him on my google alert, too! I ordered her latest book! And that path!! Lordy! And her purple shoes and jacket!

    Genius post!
